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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 5, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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police on top, and murdered citizens and kiev is still a city in mourning. pick an uprising, any uprising, not just this one, any one. egypt, libya, syria, now ukraine, save that story, but billions upon billions of dollars later, how are we changing that story? welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. and here we go again. the white house now offering $1 billion in aid to help out a fledgling government in ukraine. the administration calling it technical assistance to help ukraine rebuild its shattered economy, as it continues to face down a military threat from
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russia. but how can we be so sure where that money the going and whether it even goes there? and about giving period? $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid for syria. more than $3 billion to stabilize things in egypt, still very unstable. $3 billion for libya to get it back to being normal, far from normal. all well-intended. but just like the billion spent fixing roads and bridges, we still have broken roads and bridges. and now we're trying to fix broken governments again. ron paul says this has got to end, because we're tapped out. congressman, here we go again. i always believe with big hearts and very big and worthy goals. but to no real financial end. >> well, you know about good intentions, where it gets you, and that's generally the case. you mentioned syria. we mentioned getting money to help people that were helping al
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qaeda. but you know one thing that might be an unintended consequence. the new government wants some money. they said there was a pressing need. of course, we're supposed to come up with a billion, but it's going to be a lot more than that, because the european promised $15 billion, and we will be obligated for some of that. but they're going to -- that assumes that we have the money and it assumes that there are no pressing needs in this country, and that we're going to send them this money. but i think something that's interesting that might happen, the unintended consequences. one of the things is, they're behind on their payments to russia to natural gas. so maybe if we send the money to the new government, they will pay russia the money for their gas, so they don't turn off their gas lines or something like that. but that's the thing. it's wasteful, it's a bad policy. we have no business being involved there, and we certainly don't have any money to send them. so the sooner we get out of there, the better. >> leavinging aside, as you point out, whether we can change things with our money, and we
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don't have the money, you're quite right on that, you don't know who you're giving it to. in the case of syria, we thought the good guys were good guys and they turned out to be bad guys. we saw that in libya. we've seen that countless times in countless conflicts before. so our intentions are always good. i never besmirch them. what awori worry about is whethe have any follow-through. because we have committed trillions over the years to various causes that just don't, don't add up. >> you know, i think there are two things going on. i think the support from the most members of congress, as well as from the people of this country, it's well intended, that we have to help these people out. there's poor people starving. we can't let them starve. but i think there's ulterior motives behind a lot of this too. our interventions overseas, we don't have clean hands. sometimes it has to do with energy and special interests and the military industrial complex, all kinds of special interests. so they lead the charge. but to get total support from
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the people that translates into support from congress, it's usually this whole idea that it's well-intentioned and we're going to help the people that really suffer. i believe in that, but i believe that we should help the people here in this country by allowing them to keep their own money and spend their oin money that way. if they want to donate to these countries, fine and dandy. >> and by the way, you're right about that. americans will, in times of crisis and hurricanes and disasters, be them in haiti, they will get out of their own wallets. but my issue here is that a lot of times, to your point, congressman, we try to buy their love. and we only end up putting a deposit on their hatred, you know? >> that's right. it always backfires and i've always argued that foreign aid is a process where you take money from poor people, in this country, and give it to rich people in other countries. because the people never seem to be helped, the special interests need to be helped. it's government to government, with usually some obligations.
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we'll send you this money as long as you buy this contract and services from the united states. so, no, i think the founders were right. stay out of the internal affairs of other nations. get away from these entangling alliances, mind their own business. and you know, develop trade relations. i was thinking they were showing the map today of all these pipelines going through ukraine. and here it is, there's a lot of economic interests. and that's why they're saying, maybe there won't be sanctions. the more there's a combination of economic interests. today we're less likely to fight china because of economic interests. when we were in high school, of course, we were killing each other. so i want economic, you know, integration. and that is good and it's a long way from what i call isolationism. right now, i think sanctions are isolations. that's what gets me ready to put on. >> i think your message about using our head with our heart is well received. thank you, sir. in the meantime, russian stocks taking another hit today. the russian market using act $12
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billion in value since the standoff began. that's a lot of rubles, in and out of all-time lows, but will it be enough to make vlad blink? well, the foundation for the defense of democracies, followed all the shenanigans at the u.n. and my argument is, when you follow what's been happening to the paper wealth of vladimir putin and a lot of our buddies, they've been losing money hand over fist or ruble over -- whatever. and that's what's going to hit them when they realize they're getting hit in the wallet. you're not so sure. >> i'm not so sure, neil. this is a long day. look, back -- 20 years ago, i was working at "the wall street journal's" bureau chief in moscow, watching this stuff close up. and even then, russian had ambitions, reassembling the old empire. and i think putin has many reasons to believe that this will subside, that if he can ride out this immediate reaction, the u.s. and the west,
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generally, will come his way and there actually won't really be much of a penalty. there's precedent for that. >> you've seen the market stabilize, to your point. and maybe he sees in that, that the world's calming down. but inherent in that argument is that he doesn't do anything crazy. now, do you think that he holds off, or do you think that he feels whatever damage happens from an attack on the country or whatever, is going to be short-lived. >> i think he thinks it will be short lived. look, in the last ten years, be we've seen the u.s. and its allies impose very painful sanctions on north korea and then back away and straight away everything at the bargaining table. right now the u.s. is doing the same thing with its partners with iran. in fact, russia is one of the partners now sitting at the bargaining table. where hard-won pressure from sanctions is being bargained away, so far, for really nothing
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permanent. or iran ia is a greater power and far more integrated into everything, including diplomatically. and ting are putin has every reason, if he looks at the record to think whatever we might do, however painful it may be in the near-term, it won't last, it won't ultimately be serious. and neil, he gets crimea. that's a big prize. what's it worth? >> yeah, yeah, it's invaluable to him. you're right about that. thank you. always good seeing you. >> thank you, neil. meanwhile, this was the scene in ukraine today. u.n. envoy car surrounded by angry protesters in crimea. after meeting with a navy commander and some very tense moments at a coffee shop, a fox radio reporter villa skype from crimea. what's going on there now? >> very tense moments for robert
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earlier today, and you mentioned, he was having a meeting with ukrainian military at a compound. he was trying to leave the meeting in his car and his war was blocked we angry protesters. they couldn't drive anywhere, so he basically got out on foot and the man basically told him he needed to leave the country and they should take him to the airport. he ignored them and took refuge in a coffee shop. he was then besieged by a bunch of protesters in the coffee shop, shouting, russia, russia! he eventually started walking back towards his hotel and then flew out to istanbul, as we understand. also something else that has happened here today. two military battalions, ukrainian military battalions have been seized by russian-speaking men. that happened earlier this morning. and something also very interesting to point out, russian foreign minister sergey lavrov had meetings today and said that the pro-russian speaking troops here in crimea are not from moscow. they are self-defense forces.
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that's a very interesting tidbit. >> very interesting. jessica, be safe yourself. thank you very much for the update. in the meantime, well, you fed her, you clothed her, and now you get a lawsuit from her. how did it come to this? and they're tired? imagine how the victims of this irs scandal feel. you will sit down and allow me to ask a question. i a member of the united states of america congress. i am tired of this. [ male announcer ] this is jowoods' first day of work. and his new boss told him two ings -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, t he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game om the great northwest. he'll stt investing early,
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and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. i will decline to answer any question on the subject matter of this hearing. >> i have no expectation that miss learner will cooperate with this committee, and therefore -- >> chairman, chairman, chairman,
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i have a statement. i have a procedural question, mr. chairman. may i ask my question? may i state my statement? >> you're all free to leave, we've adjourned, but the gentleman may ask his question. >> thank you very much. >> what is your question? >> let me say what i have to say. i've listened to you for the last 15 or 20 minutes. let me say what i have to say. >> tempers flared on the hill after lois lerner was taking the fifth yet again. chairman darryl issa walking out. congressman issa also flipping out. so who is winning this war? republicans trying to get to the bottom of this irs, or democrats saying there is nothing to confess, they say. to the hill, bob's cusack. it was surreal. i don't know what was to have come of this. >> yeah, neil, a bit of a fiasco. issa saying she was going to testify and obviously invoked her fifth. this was a winning issue for --
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>> but they knew, bob, she was going to do that, right? >> yeah, they knew. and lois lerner knows some things, she's just not saying it. and as issa admits, she's the key of whether this gets any further. we need news here. and this was a bit of a fiasco today. i don't think either side's winning now. this has just become a partisan mud-slinging fight. >> do you know whether they have tried to strike a deal with her, immunity or whatever, to talk about this? because, obviously, she knows a good deal, her lawyers said as much. so, sing like a canary. do anything to get her to talk. >> yeah. this is a tough spot for republicans, because they don't want to give her full immunity, and i would imagine that there have been some negotiations back and forth and we've seen some e-mails that have been released, because lerner's attorney was disputing what issa said on sunday. so, you know, where we go from here, the senate is still investigating this, and that's actually a bipartisan investigation.
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we haven't seen that report. we're coming upon a year of this coming to light. and i'm sure republicans are going to have one-year anniversaries on this. but to keep this in the news, neil, as you know, you have to have something new. and we haven't seen something new in a while. >> i think they're trying to run out of the clock. i just think whether there's something here or not, and there are obviously a lot of dots you can connect, and maybe they feel the attention will drift, it will soon be the midterm elections and then people will forget about this irs scandal, so no reason for lois lerner to cop to any sort of a deal, no incentive too. >> no, yeah, that's right. and we've seen very different statements from the white house, the president, democrats on capitol hill. when this broke, everybody said this was intolerable, we need to get to the bottom of this. but as this investigation has dragged on, democrats have definitely, effectively muddied the water, and said, listen, this is a partisan battle. some people calling for a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of this. but that's unlikely to happen. i think you're right, neil. i think this is kind of running out the clock and the president
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is telling bill o'reilly, this is kind of a rogue age in cincinnati and downplaying where last may he was not downplaying it. >> i think it's kind of weird. it's like me having a party at my house and me walking out of my own party, my own house. anyway, bob, thank you very, very much. well, remember when the president said this? >> you're saying no corruption? >> no, there were some boneheaded decisions. >> bonehead decisions? but no mass corruption? >> not even mass corruption, not even a smidgen of corruption. >> but does lois lerner taking the fifth again today prove otherwise? >> miss lerner, do you believe that there is not a smidgen of corruption in the irs targeting of conservatives? >> on the advice of my counsel, i respectfully exercise my fifth amendment right and decline to answer that question. >> miss lerner, why would you say, tea party cases were very dangerous? >> on the advice of my counsel, i respectfully exercise my fifth amendment right and decline to
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answer that question. >> all right. to attorney jordan sacka low, he represents the groups that claim they were targeted by the irs. where is this going? >> lois lerner's attempt to stonewall on behalf of the administration, actually, to make sure that we don't get to the bottom of this through the congressional hearings, and you know, there are people that can still be interviewed. there's probably some more information, some more e-mails that come to light, to shed a bigger picture on what we now know was not just applicants being targeted, but conservative groups that already had status that were being targeted, as well as new rules being written by 54-c1s. i would disagree with your last guest, by lois lerner continuing to take the fifth, even though in court, that doesn't mean you can hold someone guilty and say, well, now they're guilty. the court of public opinion, very different. it appears that there's this bizarrely coordinated effort to keep throwing off republicans.
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you have to wonder, why did her attorney come out and say what chairperson issa said ear on sunday was wrong when in his discussions with the committee staff, he was talking about lois lerner cooperating with some kind of testimony this week. and now comes back and says, no, no. >> you're exactly right. they're sending missioned messages. then his client can willy-nilly plead the fifth. it's all one way or another, but it's drip, drip, drip. it's just really been, i think, to put the investigation essentially in a box. and that means you in a box, right? >> listen, it put us in a situation where i think our core case, our civil court case, where someone like lois lerner can assert the fifth continuing on, but we get to actually use that against the irs in our civil case. not a criminal, but a civil case, and that ultimately may be the way we get to the bottom of at least who is ultimately responsible. but it seems like -- >> well, is anyone talking to you, jordan, or any of your
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groups? has anyone reach out in this investigation i'm told is going on? what's going on? >> on the criminal investigation side, neil, where the department of justice did reach out to us late last year to schedule interviews with some of our clients, we got very concerned, because the lead attorney on that happened to be a top obama donor, barbara boxman from the department of justice. there was not a lot of dialogue. we then decided we would let the department of justice know, here's what we're asking before we have our clients sit down with the fbi. what are the parameters, what are the guidelines? is there an ongoing investigation, even? and so far we have not yet heard a response back from the department of justice. >> all right, jordan, thank you very much. we're learning now on the wires of a change in obamacare again. reuters is reporting the obama administration will allow health insurance companies to extend plans that do not comply with the new law for an additional two years. that's more wiggle room for
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companies that pushes this thing to 2017. good for the companies that were dmangd it, good for the insurance companies that said they had to have it. a mixed bag for folks who are confused by it. more after this. including a spoiled and disrespectful kid, a judge says that about this teen. her mom and dad in the middle of it all. a case of aftfluenza or not?
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all right. so what would you do if you were these parents? because they've just been sued by their own kid, their own daughter. this new jersey teen dragged them into court for money. she claims they kicked her out of the house for no good reason and for that, she wants support, wants tuition paid for, all of that. the parents say, that's not true. so far, the judge in this case
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appears to be taking their side, calling the high school cheerleader spoiled and disrespectful, was it's still early. stephanie agrees. what do you say, larry? >> you're absolutely right when you call her spoiled and disrespectful. she believes she is entitled to her parent's money, and there's that entitlement word again, even though she doesn't want to follow their rules. i love parents who believe in the old adage, my roof, my rules. parents who set up boundaries and consequences and then enforce them. we need more parents like this, not fewer. and they certainly shouldn't be sued for what that i have done. >> all right. now, she claims that they reneged on making payments at this school where she's a student and further more have told her, you're on your own for college. is that fair? >> well, it is bad. the fact that they're here in court is sad to me. i feel for her. i know it's unpopular -- >> i feel for both. it shouldn't come to this, for
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either side. >> i think the family needs therapy. i think she needs therapy and counseling. it's so sad to me that she hasn't seen her parents since october. i think all of that's really, really sad. i do think parents need to lay down the law. i'm a parent. >> do you think parents, when they turn 18, they are on their own, or we've taken it as a given for years, we're on the hook for their college education. a friend of mine's kid is going to law school, on the hook for that. >> i think sometimes kids go to law school and grad school, because they're scared to move into the real world and say, let me go to grad school for a few more years and let my parents help me along. i think that's true. she's a smart girl, on sports, i think she was a together girl. it's sad for me to think at 18 years old, she really is going to be given -- >> i don't know. she's 18 -- >> but 18 is still a kid to me. >> i agree with that part. >> and by the way, i do want to hear you folks, you can tweet or however you feel about this and we will air some of those a
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little later in the show. larry, you're the doctor of tough love and you can say, you can love your kid, but you can't spoil your kid or make them feel like they have a right to everything from you, right? >> absolutely right. listen, they are not obligated to pay for this girl's college. college is a privilege. it is not a birthright. and the saddest part -- >> but most parents do, larry? most parents do. obviously, a lot of kids get loans and scholarships and all of that, but parents do fill in the gap. you're saying that that shouldn't be expected? >> no, i'm saying it shouldn't be expected. i think you're lucky if your parents have put away money along the way, and absolutely, most of them don't, neil, not most of them do. you can't say that. very few parents are saving for their kids' college education. but i think the saddest part of this whole case, and i will agree, that it is sad, this couple, this whole family needs counseling, not a courtroom. the saddest part is that we live in a society that has a group of children, and i will agree, she
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is still a child, who somehow, in their mind, believe it is okay to sue your parents if you don't like the way you're treated. it's not okay. that's the saddest part of all. >> you can't put these pieces back together again. >> it's such a long time since they've been working together as a family. and if they continue down this road, how will they get together as a unit. >> or how that first family dinner will be like if they do. >> she's taken such a stance as a teenager, saying, i'm not coming home, how will she get back to that? >> she's living with people who are encouraging her and enabling her. >> i didn't want to get into all of that. >> the tricky part of that too, it's confusing. >> i hope both figure it out. thank you both very much. as you know, the president
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released the big budget yesterday, this is the budget itself, and the appendix, the overall goals here. it's about a $4 trillion budget. and nowtime told there's no room to cut. they just cannot cut anything. and i'm looking at this. really, no room to cut? wait a minute! after this.
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all right. we are just getting word now from speaker boehner on this delay in health care alternative plans that the administration has now pushed back for another couple of years. the speaker's office releasing this statement, i quote, this reeks of politics. instead of working with congress to prevent americans the from losing the plans they like, the president is universally rewriting laws around the election calendar, you have to wonder if he's more interested in keeping his promise or keeping seats in the senate. all right. the top democrat on the house budget committee, what he makes of this, the latest budget moves. i'm talking about maryland congressman, chris van hollen. what dou you make of this? and were you made aware that the
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congress was going to do this? >> first of all, neil, it's growth to be back with you. we've been in the middle of our budget hearing with the president's budget. i'm just learning this particular news, although i think there were some discussions, there have been a lot of public discussions about whether or not to extend the period in which people can continue to stay on those health insurance plans that do not comply with all the requirements of the affordable care act. you recall that the president earlier extended that period of time through the end of this september, i believe. and so this is simply a continuation of this. you would think our republican colleagues would support this. this is one of the issues and one of the concerns they have raised. so this is an effort, i think, to address those concerns. >> should i read any significance to the fact that this is pushed to 2017, well after the elections? >> not only the midterm, but the presidential? >> no, i don't think so. i think, neil, if you look at this particular segment of the market, it is not a core part of trying to make the affordable
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care act work. that part is -- are the exchanges. and of course trying to make sure that individuals can sign up and get that insurance in the exchange, even if they have pre-existing conditions, so no one can be excluded. >> but for all good reasons. each and every bump and delay was for a very good reason, and to move republican's criticism. but so much has been changed. so much has been altered and so much has been redone it doesn't even resemble the bill that became law. now you have a lot of people on the right saying, wait a minute, this isn't even constitutional. what do you have to say? >> some of the core provisions do remain in place. these are provisions where the president is using his authority to make adjustments. as i said earlier, neil, these are concerns that have been raised by a republican colleague. >> so no big deal, no machiavellian plot here or any of that? >> well, i don't think so.
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again, i think what the president and others are doing is listening to the concerns that are being raised and trying to make adjustments to accommodate those concerns. >> we can go back and forth on this. but, i dead read the president's budget bill and then i'm hearing some of your colleagues, senator barbara boxer saying, there's really no room to cut. we have nothing to cut. don't plan on anything being cut. i'm thinking to myself, i'm looking at this thing, there's lots of thix you can cut. and republicans too. there's lots of fair game and per view for that. but i don't see it happening. and i see a lot of this idea about how we're going to get deficits under control and in plans in time courtesy of tax hikes, but not a lot of spending cuts. >> well, a couple things. first of all, if you look at this budget, it shows the that
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the deficits are steadily decreasing, year by year. as you know, we've cut them in half over the last four years. and this budget puts the them on a continuing downward trajectory, number one. >> but they are still relying on tax hikes. $1 trillion worth over the next year. and i'm wondering, where are the savings? because the president and republicans, too, there were no fair players on this, they reversed what were going to be minor cost of living juchlgts in the last deal. they scrapped that altogether. writes the will for getting this under control? >> two things. i think if you look in the medicare area, the president's budget identifies some additional efficiencieefficienc that are saved, that are cut, not by harming beneficiaries, but by reducing and continue to reduce some of the overpayments to the private insurance companies, by changing the way you reimburse big pharmaceutical companies. those are real cuts and real savings. >> so you're factoring in those savings you hope materialize
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over years, right? it's really projection, right? >> yeah, except for this. we've already seen over $1 trillion in reductions as a result of some of the changes that were made in the affordable care act, in the reimbursement of, for example, some of the private insurers. so this budget continues to make reforms that move in that intersection. you're right about -- on the tax side, with this exception. this budget does not raise tax rates. it does get rid of certain tax loopholes, which even dave camp agreed were egregious and unproductive. so things like the carried interest for hedge fund owners, other tax breaks -- >> but what you're saying, congressman, is that the rich feel that they haven't been zoomed too much already, they're going to be zoomed again. >> but it's that these are not productive provisions of the tax code. they don't help the economy, but they can help by either reducing, you know, closing those loopholes to help reduce the deficit, or i would argue,
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to invest in things like our infrastructure, our roads and bridges, things that are important to get the economy moving. >> we've got to follow what happens to the money. but i would love to have you back on and i do admire that you do come on and consistent come on. chris van hollen, thank you very much. a pleasure seeing you again. >> you too. meanwhile, i want you to meet someone very special to us here. her name is annie, she's one of my producers, but a lot more than that. she's in the fight of her life against cancer and she wants you to know, she is not alone. i want you to watch her. you need to watch this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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the rest of us up. you see, annie is fighting triple negative breast cancer. it's rare and it's aggressive. and it quickly moved to annie's ovaries, followed by her lungs and then her brain. and in the middle of fighting all of this, she's doing whatever she can to raise awareness of this. she joins me now. how you doing, kiddo? >> i'm doing okay. >> how you feeling? >> i'm feeling good this week. i had a week off from chemotherapy, so it's the end of my feeling good, because i have to go back in tomorrow for treatment. >> now, what got you to ringing that bell? >> the triple negative foundation, this past monday, they have triple negative breast cancer awarns moneness month, ay put in to ring the bell, and the nyc picked us up. they do some nonprofits every week and we got picked up. so that was huge. over 100 million people will see that. >> and you say you want to bring awareness to triple negative breast cancer. a lot of people know breast cancer. they don't understand the
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negative, the double, the triple, all that. what is it? >> triple negative breast cancer is a rare subtype of breast cancer. it's only 20% of diagnosis. so most breast cancer is fueled by hormones, whether that be estrog estrogen, progesterone, and this type of breast cancer is negative for all three. those type of breast cancers that are hormone positive have targeted treatment and people generally have better prognosis. and the problem with triple negative is we don't have targeted treatment and that's why people like me tend to do a little bit worse. >> all right. so how many people are vulnerable to this? >> you know, i'm not sure. but it's more common in young women, women who have the mutation that i have, and african-american women, latin america women, and caribbean women. >> you're told if you catch breast cancer early on, it's good. and your chance of complete
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recovery are good. >> yeah. >> yours was caught early on and what happened? >> mine was caught stage 2b, which means that the tumor was about 2 1/2 seskpa1/2 centimetea mastectomy, 16 rounds of chemotherapy and 25 rounds of raidation and i only lasted in emission one year. >> and what happened? >> and then in a routine ult ultrasound, they found it in my ovary, they found the triple negative breast cancer metastasized to my ovary, and in a routine scan a month later, they found out it was in my lungs, and i hadn't been feeling well, things were off. and i was getting confused, and then i was losing vision, and i ended up in the emergency room and found i had six brain tru tumors. >> what are doctors telling you now? >> now they're telling me that everything was treatable.
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that is the word that is repeated over and over again, from every doctor i have, it's treatable. so right now, i had brain surgery. they removed three brain tumors. two were actually fused together that were the size of a plum. and that was a part of my brain that affected my vision, which is no why i no longer have peripheral vision on the left-hand side. so after a week after brain surgery, i had a round of chemotherapy, because i swear my doctor just wanted to bomb my body -- >> but there's a limit to how much you can do and how much your body can take, right? >> yeah, it was really tough to do chemotherapy one week after having brain surgery. and then a week later, i did whole brain radiation, ten rounds of that, and a week after that, i re-started chemotherapy again and go back in tomorrow. >> what do you think, annie, when you hear people say, normal regimen when someone is wrapped up with chemotherapy or radiation, six months, maybe even a year, we'll take scans
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and images all over again and see how you're doing. but in your case, that could have been very fatal. >> well, the problem with mine is that my test results were normal. so i wasn't shown -- so i went -- this is how aggressive the disease is. six months prior to the ultrasound in my ovaries was completely normal, my bloodwork was completely normal. >> so this was very, very fast-moving. >> even an image of my lungs in november was completely clear. but by december, it had already a 2 centimeter tumor plus nodules in both of my lungs. >> annie is known for her great sense of humor, just a fantastic sense of humor. and i think it's helped you, because you're a bit of a realisd see through a lot of people, no matter their persuasion, income level, politics. what's changed about you? >> what's changed is it's --
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it's not easy to say out loud that i have stage iv cancer and i'm only 32 years old. so what's the hardest part of dealing with this is planning ahead. because i have an mri next week just to see how my brain responded to treatment, how it's doing, to see if it was -- if there's a chance that the treatment i had, my brain could have been resistant to it. there's a chance that my lungs could have been resistant to the treatment, i could have progression and it could have spread further, i don't know until i have further scans. the hardest part is saying out loud, i have stage iv cancer and trying to make plans and trying to say, you know, i'd love to make plans to do something in december, but quite honestly, i don't know if i'm going to be alive. i hope that i am. i'm optimistic. but then the realist is, it's really scary to think that i could have had, you know, my last -- i could have had my last
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birthday, i could have had my last thanksgiving. i know, i know, i try not to get ahead of myself and be crazy, but you can't help sometimes, but jump to those conclusions. especially -- >> so when you hear -- we have to go, but when everyone complains about silly things and this problem and this pressure, you must just shake your head and say, what -- >> i wish i had your problems. because sometimes, i think about it, and this has only been in my life for two years. sometimes it's hard to remember was my life was like before cancer. sometimes it's hard to remember, what were the trivial things i complained about before cancer. like, i can't catch a cab, this sucks, or stupid things like that. and you know, you remember what's important. you want to experience as much as you can. that's a big thing. stuff no longer matters. it's not about having, you know, things, it's about spending time with your family, it is about having experiences that i've always wanted to do and you want to cram in as many things as
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possible, because you just, you just don't know. >> annie, we love you. we wish the best for you. >> thank you. >> we know this disease is probably scared of you. >> i hope so. >> yeah. we'll have more after this. [ male announcer ] nearly 7 million clients. how did edward jones get so big? t me just put this away. ♪ could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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cracking down on carry-ons. forget stuffing your bag in the bin. you better stuff your pockets full of cash because if your bag doesn't fit, you're going to pay. casey is under dallas-ft. worth airport in texas. >> $6 billion, billion with a b. that's how much the airlines made last year in fees alone. we're talking about checked baggage fees and reservation change fees. a large portion comes from the $25 they charge you per bag one
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way to check your luggage. so what this means is a lot of people are trying to bring their luggage onboard to save cash, but it translates into less overhead bin space, folks trying to cheat the system, bringing oversized bags on the plane. united airlines said they're refocusing their carry on bag compliance measuring your carry-ons to insure it's the proper size, and passengers we've talked with have mixed feelings about it. >> i think it's ridiculous. i think it's especially impacting people who are traveling for business. you're constantly on the go and you have to shell out the extra money now for the baggage fees. >> i think it's a good idea. you've got most planes are full anymore, and it's hard to get things in the overhead. when people come in with bags that don't fit and put them sideways, it's taking more of the space. >> we've all been there, haven't we? here's an interesting note. if you get popped at the ticket
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counter, you have to pay the check it if it's too big. however, if you get to the gate, make it through security, they'll check it plane-side for free, but some of these airlines are starting to put people at the tsa lines, eyeing the checkcheck ed bags to make sure people aren't bringing something too big on. >> holy guacamole, chipotle said they might drop the guac. >> information came out where they list all the risk factors that can impact business. the reports says, quoting here, in the event of cost increases with respect to one or more of our raw ingredients we may choose to temporarily suspend serving menu items such as guacamole or one of more of our sauces. if you're a restaurant without guacamole or salsa, it's not a major problem if you're pizza hut. for chipoully, it's an issue. people saying i will truly be
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devastated if chipotle stops serving guacamole. they said there's no crosswalk apocalypse. but because of the drought, there's a shortage, 80% to 90% of the guacamole and avocados come from california. you may still have them, but you'll pay more. >> incredible. thank you. she sued, we reported. you tweeted. and tweeted, and tweeted.
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wouldn't be in the mess we're in. tough love, tuv but right. >> many of you also responding to annie's situation. this i thought was beautiful. annie, fight on. carry on, you will win. you will, annie. this is a fox news alert. lots of breaking news on the crisis in ukraine. shep smith standing by in kiev. earlier, he was in the crimean region which is currently under russian control. he'll join us to tell us what he saw. first, the latest. earlier today, the eu and united states suggested we may slap economic sanctions on russia if putin doesn't back off. russia immediately retalyatded with a threat to take u.s. and eu assets currently held in russia. that prompted a meeting between secretary kerry and sergey lavrov in paris. that meeting appears to have accomplished exactly zero. angela merkel called putin's


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